Membership Numbers


  • In April, Kaohsiung Banner Church was planted. There are currently about 220 members. 


  • The Zhunan Church was established. The name was changed to Miaoli Church in January 2012. There are now about 100 members.
  • The Zhunan Church was established. The name was changed to Hsinchu Church in January of 2012. There are now about 100 members.
  • In August, the Taipei Church opened and now has approximately 380 members.


  • The M1-1 Overseas Church was planted. It now has around 140 members.


  • In December, the Taoyuan Church began operating. There are currently about 130 members.


  • In January, the M1-2 Overseas Church was founded, and now has approximately 110 members.


  • In January, the Tainan Church was launched. Membership is now around 260.
  • In July, the M1-4 Overseas Church was planted. Currently, members number around 130.


  • In April, a newly established church in Auckland, New Zealand became Auckland Banner Church with a current membership of around 80.


  • In September, Changhua Banner Church was established. Today, about 380 people regularly attend.
  • In November, Banner began planting churches in North America. There are now about 220 members.


  • In June, the Zhongli Division of the Taoyuan Church was established. Currently, it has approximately 250 members.
  • In August, the Chiayi Division of the Changhua Church was founded. It now has around 100 members.
  • In Septemper, the M1-3 Overseas Church was established, now with around 90 members.

Banner Church Sunday service attendance  8,061

Cell group participants  8,324 

Number of people baptized in 2016  2,045


