
26 Apr, 2024


1、 為主任牧師晶玫姊禱告,祈求神賜給晶玫姊智慧,帶來影響力燃起福音熱情;晶玫姊有謀略和知識,帶領教會倚主同行,滿有能力。


2、 為教會5/25-6/15 E營會及培育課程的報名禱告,求主賜給每一個人渴慕的心,快跑跟隨神,透過E1、E2、E3及培育課程,恢復兒女們尊貴的核心身分、讓生命的見證代代傳承,成為神榮耀的教會。


3、 為台灣平安禱告,願神的手來保護台灣這片土地,不論是經濟、天氣或地震頻繁的時刻,神的平安都掌權在當中。


4、 為成人牧區第二季的外展規劃禱告,求主預備更多領袖參與外展,收割成熟的莊稼,使用我們成為榮耀的器皿傳揚神的名,享受與主同工的甘甜。


5、 為兒童牧區禱告,祈求神恩膏夏令營的各項活動,賜下屬天的創意與啟示,透過夏令營,翻轉孩子的生命,全然向神,領受天父的愛與喜樂。


6、 為大社牧區禱告,社青愛神營活動規劃順利!


7、 為青年領袖禱告,祝福領袖們享受跟天父的關係,每天單單因著神心歡喜、靈快樂,肉身安然居住。


8、 為下一代教育禱告:
a. 高雄楠陽國小首次合作開課,求神與志工老師同去同工,賜下榮耀與喜樂在當中,建立美好的合作關係,並持續在高雄開道路。
b. 求主的愛持續澆灌滋潤志工老師們的心,使用他們成為傳遞愛與真理的管道,祝福校園師生。


9、 為沐風兒少禱告: a.求主祝福青年更多認識神,對未來充滿盼望與熱情。b.求主祝福家長們有健康的身體、穩定的情緒與收入。


10、 a.為田新據點4/30公益講座禱告。b.為三厝據點4/30護眼健康講座禱告 。

26 Apr, 2024
Weekly Prayers

​Psalm 103:13 As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

1.Please pray for pastor May. May God grant her wisdom, ignite her passion for spreading the Gospel, and empower her to have influence. May she possess strategic insight and knowledge to lead the church in walking closely with the Lord, demonstrating full capability.


2.Please pray for the registration of the E-Camp and equipping courses from May 25th to June 15th. May the Lord grant each person a thirst for God and a swift pursuit after Him. Through E1, E2, E3, and the equipping courses, may the precious identity of sons and daughters be restored, and may the testimony of life be passed down through generations, leading to a church that glorifies God.


3.Please pray for peace in Taiwan. May God's hand protect this land, whether in times of economic challenges, frequent weather disturbances, or earthquakes. May God's peace reign over all circumstances.


4.Please pray for the second quarter outreach planning of the adult’s ministry. May the Lord prepare more leaders to participate in outreach, harvest mature crops, and use us as glory vessels to proclaim His name. May we enjoy the sweetness of working alongside the Lord.


5.Please pray for the children's ministry, asking for God's anointing on the various activities of the summer camp. May He bestow heavenly creativity and revelation, transforming the lives of children through the camp, leading them to wholeheartedly seek God and receive the love and joy of the Heavenly Father.


6.Please pray for the Young Adult’s ministry, asking for smooth planning of the Youth Love God Camp.


7.Please pray for the youth leaders, blessing them to enjoy their relationship with the Heavenly Father, finding joy and peace, spiritually and physically, in God's presence each day.


8.Please pray for the education of the next generation:
a. Pray for our inaugural collaboration with Kaohsiung Nanyang Elementary School. May God work alongside the volunteer teachers, bringing glory and joy into a fruitful cooperation, and continuing to open a way in Kaohsiung.
b. May God nourish hearts of the volunteer teachers, using them as channels to convey love and truth, and blessing both the faculty and the students.


9.Please pray for WBC (Warm Breeze Caring Association) Campus ministry.:
a. May the Lord bless the youth with a deeper knowledge of God, filling them with hope and passion for the future.
b. May the Lord bless the parents with good health, steady mood, and stable income.


a. Please pray for the voluntary lecture at the Tianxin branch on April 30th.
b. Please pray for the eye health lecture at the Sancuo branch on April 30th.


