
26 Jul, 2024

​哥林多後書9:8 神能將各樣的恩惠多多的加給你們,使你們凡事常常充足,能多行各樣善事。






a. 兒童夏令營第三梯(中大班)8/15-8/17活動順利平安,神的愛與喜樂大大充滿學員與同工。
b. 感謝神對孩子永恆的心意,祈求神甦醒孩子的靈,興起團隊與主同工培養孩子與永恆心意一致的生活方式。

a. 求神掌權在國中的情感/性教育教案,幫助團隊合一討論有果效,教案成為校園學生的祝福。
b. 求神帶領同工們為兒童領袖培育營上課時,能融會貫通、精準傳遞,幫助兒童們學習正確的價值觀和分辨能力來保護自己並能做正確的選擇。

a. 求主祝福沐風少年與兒童暑假有良好的作息時間與飲食習慣。
b. 求主祝福所有分校暑輔活動順利進行。

a. 三厝據點參加輔導團的培力專案「健康設計師」招生達30人。
b. 求主引領對長輩關懷、打造社區據點有熱情有恩賜的志工。


26 Jul, 2024
Weekly Prayers

​2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV: And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

1、Please pray for Senior Pastor May Tsai. The Lord is Pastor May’s source of peace and comfort. We pray that she loves God with all her heart, and is attentive to the heavenly wisdom to lead the church to prosperity.

2、Please pray for WBC (Warm Breeze Caring Association) fundraising concert on August 24th. May God bless the event, and its fundraising reaches the annual goal, enabling WBC to support more children and family.

3、Please pray for global peace. We declare God is enthroned by his unshakable peace. The peace of God will be released worldwide through churches, and people be comforted by the power of the gospel.

4、Please pray for the Adult’s Ministry. Ask the Lord to bring in more new friends in the new outreach season. May God also strengthen their faith through pastoral care and follow-up connection, helping them to commit to church life, and attend cell groups and Sunday service regularly.

5、Please pray for the Youth ministry. May each BYTer enjoy God’s presence every day, embrace their identity as God’s children, and experience the love from the Heavenly Father.

6、Please pray for the Children’s ministry:
a. May God bless the 3rd batch of the children’s summer camp from August 15 to 17, and may God’s love and joy fulfill all students and the staff.
b. Thanks God for always watching over the children. May God restore their soul and raise up a team to work with Him, teaching the children to live in line with God’s divine will.

7、Please pray for Next Generation Education:
a. May God reign over the lesson plan of Emotion & Sexuality Education for junior high school students, leading the team to unite in productive discussion, making the program a blessing to all students.
b. For the Children’s leadership training camp, we pray that God will lead the fellow workers to teach comprehensively and accurately, helping the students to acquire sound value and discernment to protect themselves and make good choices.

8、Please pray for the WBC Campus ministry (Warm Breeze Caring Association)
a. May God bless all the teenagers and children with a good daily routine and diet habit during the summer vacation.
b. May God bless success upon the summer program in each WBC branch.

9、Please pray for WBC (Warm Breeze Caring Association) 60+ Senior Caring:
a. May God bless the recruitment of "Health Programmer” at Sancuo branch to reach 30 participants.
b. May the Lord provide passionate volunteers with interest in senior care and building a community base of support.

10、Pray for the launch of the church's new system: Pray that the transfer of data and the launch of the system's features will go smoothly


