
19 Apr, 2024

​使徒行傳1:8 但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷 、 猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。


2、為教會5/25-6/15 E營會及培育課程的報名禱告,求主賜給每一個人渴慕的心,快跑跟隨神,透過E1、E2、E3及培育課程,恢復兒女們尊貴的核心身分、讓生命的見證代代傳承,成為神榮耀的教會。






a. 求主持續保守志工老師們出入平安、授課蒙福,家庭蒙神保守與祝福。
b. 求主持續柔軟學生們的心,渴慕課程中的真理價值觀,在性健康、情緒、網路三方面都有正確的分辨能力和選擇能力。

a. 求主祝福孩子們期中考試都順利,有好成績。
b. 求主看顧孩子與青年,晚上回家都有好的休息與睡眠。

10、a.為三厝據點4/23手作外展活動禱告 。

19 Apr, 2024
Weekly Prayers

​Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (ESV)

1.Please pray for Senior Pastor May. May God give her wisdom, empower her to ignite passions for the gospel, and grant her strategies and knowledge to lead the church into God’s presence and power.

2.Please pray for the E-Camp and equipping course registrations. May the Lord create a thirst of pursuing Him, and, through E-camps and equipping courses, restore the core identity of His children, and bless them with testimonies that can pass on through generations, filling the church with God’s glory.

3.Please pray for peace in Taiwan. May God look over Taiwan, reigning with peace over its economic, weather, and frequent earthquakes.

4.Please pray for the first annual team-build activities for the Adult’s ministry. May the Lord lead every pastoral area to successfully prepare and conduct suitable activities. May the activity participation rate reach 95%, enabling the participants to unify in God’s love and press on toward the goal together.

5.Pray for the Children’s ministry. May the Lord raise co-workers who earnestly seek God, willing to team-up in unity, and commit to church trainings, so their life will grow and become a blessing.

6.Please pray for the Young Adult ministry. May the planning of the Young Adult Loving God Camp go well.

7.Please pray for the preparation of the youth summer camp. May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon each co-worker, filling them with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, and knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

8.Please pray for Next Generation Education.
A.May the Lord keep the volunteer teachers safe along the way, bless them in their teaching, and guard and bless their families.
B.May God continue to soften the students’ hearts, make them thirsty for the value of the Truth in the teachings, and have correct discernments and decision-making abilities in three aspects: sexual health, emotions, and the Internet.

9.Please pray for WBC (Warm Breeze Caring Association) Campus Ministry.
A.May the Lord bless the children to do well on midterm exam and get good grades.
B.May the Lord watch over the children and youth, blessing them with good rest and sleep at night.

10.Please pray for WBC (Warm Breeze Caring Association) 60+ senior caring.
A.Please pray for the handcraft outreach activity on 4/23 at the Sancuo branch.
B.Pray for the public welfare lecture at the Tianxin branch on 4/30.


